When we have a hard time accessing our own voice, we often go down trap of thinking it’s exclusive – that it only shows up when all the pieces fall into place, and you’re finally sure about the thing you want to say. Those are the occasions when it comes through naturally, because something is so deeply important to you. It’s oh, so easy to go down that path of exclusive fit, waiting for the muse, the perfect moment, the right topic.
It’s also misleading, and it strips away your capability to access your own truth. If you are willing to listen beyond the chatter, the emptiness below, the not-knowing, and the fear even lower… You will find what’s uniquely yours to contribute. Just beneath, just a little bit more elusive, just a little bit more quiet, just a little bit more than you would like it to.
Bring it forth. We need you.
I had a hugely hard time to publish anything for years. Why add to the noise? What may be relevant? What may attract attention?
And I distinctly remember this point in time when I mustered the courage to go back to my old drafts (thanks coaching) only to realise I really loved at least some of them – without a single additional edit.
Who am I to judge whether my writing is useful or not? Who am I to withhold what someone else may be waiting for? Does it have to be good for everyone? No. It has to
I have since been on a journey turned inwards. What is my truth I want to express today? Trusting some of my people are going to find what I share and benefit from my journey. So, slow down and learn to listen. Listen for the whisper of intuition to come through. The hunch of what may be yours. And go, create – not to get likes, but to serve that one person over there that desperately waited for your raw truth. Bonus hint: Most likely, they won’t give a fuck about your perfect edit, version 26.5 😉