This is for you wanting more than that «average» life seems to offer.
And it’s not like your version of an “average life” is bad at all. In fact you could go any day and claim yours is a pretty great life with lots of awesome stuff in it. *If only* you didn’t feel like something is perpetually missing. Finding yourself desiring something more, bigger, magical. Something you catch glimpses of, but never end up with reliably.
This is where our work together begins.

And it’s not about fixing, managing and mitigating. Because at that, you are an expert – in the best sense possible: It’s your brilliant problem solving, keen perception and fast logical thinking that people turn towards.
This is about the things you can’t just change on your own – otherwise you would long since have!
This is about getting a version of life that feels out of reach, notoriously so.
A version that is more satisfying, contains more fun, impact, and better relationships. A version where you GO FOR IT – your dreams and having it all. Really, you name it. But because it’s just out of reach, what you need is kind of a proper transformation… One that brings about radically new awareness. Truly fresh angles.
So – let’s not do «more of the same» in your life and leadership
… No matter how amazingly well those strategies work (most of the time). Instead, let’s create a partnership that brings you to completely new places: Places where those things you declared impossible suddenly become real.
What you might create working with me:

While there is no guarantee for results in coaching, it’s amazing what you can achieve with the right backing in your life: You getting to be a more fully expressed version of you, with a supportive hand on your back = boom ❤️
Find a selection of results I have witnessed being brought to life through working with me:
Grow your leadership:
One of the best ways to become a better leader is to get coached. You look into a mirror, lovingly accept exactly where & who you are, and then grow into your potential from there. Imagine being able to do the same for your people. It’s incredibly attractive to be led this way, and it creates a whole different level of quality work in your team.
Accelerate your career, impact and financial outlook:
This is a pretty straightforward result many people look for when seeking out a coach. While it may be worth checking in with this one (what would more money really GET you?), it’s just as often one where we get hung up on old, unconscious stories that (unnecessarily) hold us back. I’m 100% here for you getting all the impact & income you desire.

Shift your relationships:
Whether professional or private & romantic – have better conversations and consequently better relationships, that feel real, solid and warm. Get un-stuck from the patterns you tend to run. Be real, yet kind with each other in a way that deepens connection, teamwork, intimacy – whatever you desire. Bring back the spark!
Balance fun & and striving:
Do you know the trap of either having big goals OR living in the moment, being 100% present, playful and enjoying what’s right in front of you? Even though we’re often groomed into thinking they’re mutually exclusive, it’s actually possible to have them both, and creating this result is hands-down one of my favourite parts of coaching.❤️

Develop a rock-solid well-being foundation:
How often do we skip well-being, because we can cope with less of it (and it never shows right away)… But we actually sabotage our foundation? And then the skipping turns into a habit we barely get rid of anymore. Develop a non-negotiable foundation that actually helps you reach all your other goals instead of having them be at odds.
Create your version of success:
No more secret misfit. No more compartmentalising for others. You create a version of success that founds on you being ALL of you. Including your whole quirky self. Success, however you define it – without any compromising – leading to more instead of less of what you want.
Anna combines her intelligence and deep understanding of the world with an infectious, playful nature. She leads from the front by constantly committing to her own transformation and growth. Where there is seriousness, resignation and cynicism, she shines the light of possibility and playfulness. Where there is a leader who is struggling, she demonstrates that true power is in vulnerability. Her stand for better leadership is strong and her desire to open the hearts of the people around her is truly inspiring.

Nathan Seaward
Part magic, part framework
There’s magic in coaching…
… and more so in a 1:1 partnership: Like in a dance, we are creating a piece of art in our relationship. That may mean:

- You find out what you really, really want – (plus, you understand why you haven’t quite seen it before). And you go to get it!
- We are eliciting a vision that’s exhilarating to the degree of being a little bit scary. But because you’re not on your own anymore, you can do a different level of scary.
- You start to create new & deep awareness of where you are run by your own automatic & unconscious choices. As humans we all have them – and we all get blindsided without support.
- You make different choices: No more radical ditching of what you do now, and starting to do the complete opposite, but gradual and thus sustainable change. So not just «different» choices for different’s sake, but also a full range of options.
- We create a bullshit-free zone where we get to talk facts – yet not for you to beat yourself up over what is simply that: A fact. And because we look at them cleanly, you can decide what’s next differently than before, getting out of your own way.
- You start to reconcile opposites that couldn’t exist together before. For example having financial success whilst showing all your secret misfit sides. Or being a strong, reliable leader who is also playful, willing to admit mistakes and shows deep empathy all at once.
- You learn to work with your fears as guideposts and compass, rather than somethign to avoid. Plus: You can separate your intuition from limiting fears.
There’s also a solid framework behind it

Great coaching contains some solid planning, systems and accountability. Because if you don’t know where to go, all the magic will just get lost and dissipate due to lack of direction – like a compass needle without a north, endlessly turning in circles.
Let me be honest: Over here I definitely (used to) prefer the magical dreaming bit over «dreary planning» – but whichever way YOU may be inclined:
The most powerful and lasting change happens when we combine both ends: The magic and the structure.
It may well be possible that part of our work together is to find out which version of either «magic» or «planning» feels like yours, truly. So – while I bring in some framework planning knowledge, I won’t tell you what to do. That’s – again – entirely up to you.
As for the professional framework I generally follow as a coach, you can read more about the International Coach Federation (ICF) Core Values here and Core Competencies here.
“Anna has an innate ability to masterfully float between the practical, the playful and the soulful. Her intelligence is a rare gift that provides insight of possibilities with lightness, curiosity and without any pressure. She embodies an abundant life and seeps joy, which naturally supports the powerful leadership work she does with her clients. You can trust her wholeheartedly to hold your hopes and dreams with confidence.”

Robyn Gooding
This isn’t for you if:
Coaching isn’t for everyone. Your find your current life works well enough – and that’s fine.❤️ Coaching isn’t supposed to «fix what’s wrong», it’s for people who want more, and not everyone wants more.
There’s no pressure or need to create more than that average life – especially considering how well average actually is!
One thing I can tell you for sure: It’s no fun to get coaching and potentially be confronted with stuff, if you don’t really have a strong reason for it. «I just want to grow» isn’t enough.

Coaching may not be the thing for you right now if:
- You are looking for a quick fix that’s finally going to solve all of your problems – fast. Six figures in six months? This is probably not the place for you.
- You are quite set in your ways, and not really willing to be challenged. Things work for you the way they are going currently.
- You feel you need to be «ready» to make whichever jump in your life is next. Coaching builds on taking action before you feel entirely ready, equipped, confident. This doesn’t mean we will just skip over fears, but to some degree you’ll never be quite ready.
- You are looking for the right support in a therapeutic area (like for example Trauma/PTSD, depression or burnout, eating disorders, etc.). While it is entirely possible to have a therapist and a coach both, as a coach I don’t have the training to treat therapeutic topics.
- You want someone to give you (all) the answers and/or you would like an expert’s knowledge. (You may better look for a consultant 🙂 )
- You want to never feel xxx again. Like afraid, insecure, awkward… – being human basically. You won’t get a cure-all from your own humanity 😉
- You want the results without having to go out and take some risks, play with something that’s a little scary at first. Or maybe one small risk would be ok, as long as there’s a guaranteed result. That’s not the game I can play with you.
- You want either yourself or others fixed, because one of you surely must be broken – you don’t really want to look at the possibility of all of us humans being equally beautiful and with our own shadows.
- You «just want to grow» for growth’s sake. There’s nothing wrong with that, but in my experience, you will need a stronger reason to keep up the work.
- You don’t really want to invest this kind of time, energy and money into yourself.
- You need coaching to make money NOW, preferably by becoming a coach on the fastest possible route yourself.
What we both invest

Coaching and leadership are a two-way street, truly a partnership. It’s not about one person giving the other money for a straightforward, simple cure-all, end of story.
Instead it’s a journey we choose together.
A relationship that is very conscious and allows you to practise something new in the moment.
Let me draw that out: A great coaching relationship is like a reflection of life «out there» in a much smaller, safer container. We actually want stuff to go a little «wrong», but other than in the real world, our relationship allows us to shift gears and have a look right in the moment: Where do you want something, and then something else keeps happening? Where are you not speaking up? What’s missing and you can’t see it yet?
What you get with me as a coach is my own constant investment
In my training and expertise to be with both our humanity. I do ongoing work to get my side handled and sorted, so you never have to worry about your coach breaking down, blaming you or giving up.
You in turn bring in a willingness to play, experiment, learn and grow, on top of your investment in terms of money, time and energy.
It’s about your choice, not my persuasion
All of this can only happen when you choose in fully, which is why I don’t push my clients with expiring deals or spots running out. I find no joy in working with someone I pressured into working together one way or another. While I will support you to make a truly empowered and potentially uncomfortable choice – I won’t try and persuade you to work with me.
My main 1:1 packages are 13’500$ for a year and 8’800$ for 6 months. I’ve got scholarships options and different models available for people who are less privileged than my average clients.
what you get when working with me

- Three 60min calls a month with me.
- Unlimited email and text support.
- All of my clients are invited to kick off our work together with a bespoke, 3-5 day 1:1 Alpine Retreat in Davos. If you choose out, I offer a 90min planning&visioning session instead – so we set up both the magic and the framework right at the beginning.
- Free access to all of my courses, workshops, the online platform I’m currently building etc. – as and when they are published.
- Random surprises and gifts, because I love giving surprises and gifts 🙂
are you courious?
There’s no rushing a relationship – so I always suggest to connect without any strings attached, first. Find links below to get in touch, or jump into a 30′ connection call. I’m open to either. I’m looking foward to any questions you might have, and I’m happy to provide support, knowledge, referrals and connection – whatever you feel serves you best in the moment.