4 pillars of personal leadership to create powerful change
There’s a pattern to human transformation, and this course is a code to unlock it. We use four foundational pillars as a way to access your personal leadership and with it, change. Not just once, but a code to do it again and again. Bit by bit achieving the changes you desire. If you always have wanted to dip a toe into (transformational) coaching in our own time and depth? Then this course is for you. ❤️
this is possible for you
What can make coaching a bit hard to grasp is: There’s not really ONE THING that becomes possible. Rather, it’s a myriad of things. So while I’ll speak to examples that my people tend to go through…
It ultimately is up to what your unique desire is. The transformation code is designed to support you in that – whatever it may look like.
What those desires do have in common is that they’re something that’s been notoriously out of reach for you. Something you’ve always wanted, but somehow never follow through. Something you think «just isn’t for people like you». Or you think you shouldn’t desire at all. Something you may do or create already – but never quite reliably. And you have reasons!
It may not seem the time to do so (but when will it be, really). Or the circumstances don’t quite line up. It may be scary, stupid, and actually you just remembered life is good again. But that doesn’t matter, because all you need is a deep, real willingness to begin to walk. This course is supporting you in taking those tentative first steps. And not just that: But doing so differently than you would on your own.
A list of what may be possible with the transformation code:
- Upgrade your routines and have fun with them – sports, family time, well-being, you name it.
- Escape a relationship loop you have been in with a loved one since forever. Same sort of arguments? Similar flavour of misunderstandings? Feeling notoriously resigned when it comes to certain topics?
- Get crystal clear on that business and/or leadership vision of yours, and take tangible steps you haven’t in the past. Like – would you typically start to create a concept, but then falter as soon it was about sharing it?
- Go have that tough conversation to get what you want from someone scary. Want to finally work from home or get that raise? Want to address an issue in childcare or change your relationship with your grumpy neighbour?
- Figure why you tend to end up with a similar type of employee. And consequently in the same sort of conundrum with them. They never do as you tell them. They underdeliver. They quit. They annoy the heck out of you.
- Shift from compartmentalising yourself and your leadership vision, depending on who is sitting in front of you. Like… Imagine speaking to the board and you finally get that budget for a cool side project. Or you can tackle things differently with your reports going forward thanks to more time spent with them.
- Set clear yet kind boundaries where you said «yes» too often before.
get to know the 4 pillars of the code
The course will run over four weeks (or longer if you choose to). Each week, I will introduce one more pillar & hands-on practices to support you in working towards the transformation you desire.
One: The Choice
- What do you want to create in your life – and within this course, looked at from a new angle?
- What do you truly want to choose vs. what do you actually choose? (not the same!)
- Learn to differentiate between what feels safe & familiar vs. what brings you joy & growth.
two: the blindspot
- What is a blindspot and why do you have them?
- How can you start to spot yours?
- What are the most common traps in this part of the work?
three: the breakthrough
- How does “the old” gets in the way of “the new” and how can you change that?
- Why is the key to change super counterintuitive? & Learn to access it anyway.
- Step beyond “fixing problems” and into true transformation.
four: the practice
- Learn to practice, even if it’s not the sexiest part of transformation.
- How do you find your personal step size for change?
- Keep the cycle going. When to go back and how to re-apply the modules to either the same or a different issue
the nitty-gritty of the course
Let me speak to all the details here. If you have questions left, check out the FAQ section. Or reach out to ask whatever is still left unanswered for you!
It’s really a code
You get an approach you can use again on different topics. The aim is for you to understand the code that lies *underneath* transformation. Even if you end up doing 1:1 work, you will recognise some elements. (Am I giving away all my secrets? Well, maybe I do… But there’s a level of magic and possibility in 1:1 support that even the world’s best course cannot possibly replace. I think it’s radically cool that I get to spill the beans AND be there for you if you happen to end up wanting more of the good stuff – win&win!)
It’s transformational
The code helps you not to simply “fix” something that’s “wrong” with you. Instead, it aims towards honouring what you already created in your life. Who you have become… TO THEN evolve from there. And trust me on this one: It’s a WAY more solid foundation to grow and get what you want. To truly transform. Even if it admittedly sounds a bit counterintuitive 😉
It’s self-guided
The modules come out weekly, but you are free to take it slower. It’s no faster than weekly, because you as one of my people probably LOVES to dive in. But you might be a little less willing to get down to clumsy practice. Now, unfortunately, practice is just as important as insight – and I really want you to benefit as much as possible.
Apart from slowing you down a little, it’s entirely up to your pace, and more than that. You also get to choose how deep you want to go. There are easier practices and options to bring in more depth – whatever feels aligned and safe for you.
It’s short & sweet
It goes over four weeks in total, and gives you the essentials – distributed over the four pillars – one a week. Yet, again: The aim is for you to use it as often as you would like. It’s again, a code after all, made to be set on «rinse and repeat». (It comes with lifetime access of course)
It’s designed to be safe
This course touches on stuff that can be difficult, because I have a commitment to help you transform. And transformation is by definition confronting to some degree. Let me be honest: This is probably one of the biggest downsides of going «self-guided» because we can’t partner at any given moment. All the more, I work with the following commitments around therapeutic & traumatic issues:
- There is a section in the introduction to the course to help you spot potential warning signs. While I don’t offer work on trauma (it’s beyond the scope of this course & coaching), I offer you ways to spot it showing up early. And at least some basic tools to bring you back to safety in the moment. I also include support for you to choose the depth that’s sufficiently safe.
- I offer support in terms of how/when to get help. What may be better supported by a healer or therapist if something bigger (unexpectedly) shows up.
- If you have a history of trauma and not gotten supported, I invite you to seek out therapeutic help instead. This course is not going to be right for you.
I’ve got you
If you go through the course and decide you actually DO want some 1:1 support for something… I include an option to reach out and get access. One session comes with the course. Beyond that: I don’t normally offer single paid sessions. However, I am very committed for you to make the most out of this course. Thus, I offer a unique opportunity to book single sessions as you go. (Read more about my privat coaching here to get an idea.)
Pricing and return options
The course has a one-time fee of 333$. This gives you lifetime access and includes any future updates of the code. There will be a payment plan option. You can pay 2×170$, due at the beginning and after two weeks of the course.
This is a generally non-refundable fee. However feel free to reach out anytime within the first half of the course if you feel it’s not right for you.
If you sign up until the end of July 2023, you will get my journaling & planning guide, too. (Including a cheat sheet on how to make tracking work for you!). It will be delivered by the end of July (It’s under construction and I’ll be on maternity leave very soon.)
Not sure if it is for you? FAQ
I have a vision:
I want for as many people as possible to discover coaching and transformation for themselves.
It has so profoundly changed my own life, and I really believe the same is possible for those around me. And yet, it’s often a little inaccessible and difficult to understand. So this course is offering you an introduction to experience coaching instead of being talked at. Really shift something in your own life instead of getting a vague concept.
In this section, I am speaking to any questions that may still be in the way for you to give it a go.
While 333$ are comparably low to what you would pay for full 1:1 support, it’s still a sizeable investment. I want you to be excited to invest this kind of money, so if anything feels left unadressed, please ask. Like you don’t quite get rid of that niggling feeling of desire, but! There’s room for any concerns. ❤️
#1 How can I know if it is for me?
It’s definitely NOT for you if:
- You have a super clear mission and desire and you are taking consistent action towards it.
- You are looking for a quick and easy fix that finally solves xyz in your life. It’s still you who has to put in the work ❤️
- You actually want some 1:1 support right away. For that, please reach out and let’s chat. I can set you up with various price point options, whether by me or by others.
- It feels wrong/scary to take on the course as you read through the description.
- You don’t want to reflect on yourself. You prefer to make it about the world and circumstances and other people. Or alternatively, you are used to blame yourself and questioning that seems… not an option at this time.
- You don’t want to get a little uncomfortable or confronted.(Which inevitably happens when you begin to actually see a ‹proper› blindspot)
- You feel mentally unstable and/or have a diagnosis but are currently not supported in a therapeutic setting of some sort.
#2 Why aren’t you promising the results others promise?
I believe it is unethical to promise results. I am sure you can create great stuff thanks to the course, but I can’t make you do the work. And some work will always be necessary to achieve what you desire. What I can do is to tell you how the work with me has helped other people to shift into their aligned leadership.
So while there’s plenty proof around that “the work works” if people stick with the process… It’s ultimately up to you to find your version that is right for *you*.
#3 How much time/money/effort/energy do I have to put in?
First: If this is the question that’s on the forefront for you, this may be the perfect place to start. What if you set yourself the aim to generate MORE energy out of this course?
Money: It’s a 333$ investment.
Time: The course comes as text or audio with optional introductory videos. So you can either read it, or listen to it during a commute or drive. It also comes with practices that take between 30’ and 60’ a week. Add in a couple of minutes a day. Overall it also depends on how deep you choose to go and how much you are willing to set aside.
Effort&Energy: This is hard to speak to precisely, because it varies for everyone. It definitely requires some effort, because you will be stepping into something new and unfamiliar. If you feel you’re at capacity, it may not be the time to choose this course.
On the other hand, it could be that the course is just what you need to transform this part of your life and create spaciousness going forward.
#4 It seems a little… scary, edgy or potentially unpleasant to me?
Yes. Transformation is per se a little scary (otherwise we would do it more often). And if you have a gut feeling that it may not be for you – follow that. It may not be the time to take something on that will stretch you a little beyond what’s comfortable or familiar.
However consider that change always comes with a some fear and/or uneasiness. New possibility and fear always come together. Imagine it to be like learning a new sport with all the possibilities of having fun. And at the same time there’s inevitable failure ahead, or something like facing a (too) steep slope.
It’s a coach’s (or in this case the course’s) job to help you choose the ideal step size. Making them small enough so you can cope with the discomfort, yet big enough to feel the progress you want to create. Because it’s a course (and not a coach in the moment), I built in different step sizes and degrees of how deep to go. Bottom line: Are you up to playing? Then do it. Are you afraid and not (yet)? That’s alright, too ❤️
#5 What’s that transformation talk all about, what does it even mean?
I wrote a post about this a while ago. It will be uploaded in the blog, for the time being read my Instagram post about transformation under this link.
#6 What does the backup support by you exactly look like?
I think getting directly supported is the best way to make sure you create real, sustainable and deep change. Thus, I offer a special deal for anyone who buys this course. I include one hour-long session free of charge that comes with the course. After that, I offer single sessions for 150$ each.
This is how it works: We will clarify the exact topic before we jump on (you will get a form to fill out). Then on the session work towards the exact support you need.
Sign up and get the code to transform
Are you ready and excited to jump in and get that transformation going? Here’s the link that will take you to the check-out process and the course platform. Can’t wait for you to make stuff happen in your life . New, different, transformed stuff and just way more of the life you really want! 🔥
p.s. The course is not yet online, but you can sign up for my newsletter and get notified: